AMT Projects

Hello there! My name is Francesca and welcome to my projects page. If you are interested in audio and music technology, then you’ve come to the right place. Read about my current projects below.

Coolintang: A Music and Health Application for the iPad

As part of the coursework assessments for the iOS Programming and Personal Professional Practitioner modules for my MSc in Audio and Music Technology Course at the University of York, I was tasked to develop an audio or music application and develop a business model for it. This resulted in the creation of Coolintang, which is…

TechTalk 4: The Master(s) Plan! Get it?

In this TechTalk, we will look at an example of a technological solution for music therapy or special needs music and relate it to the design of the app for my final MSc project. Transcript: If you’re interested in audio, music, and technology, then you’ve come to the right place. Hi! I’m Francesca, and you’re…

TechTalk 3: Inclusive Immersive Technology

In this TechTalk, we will look at examples of inclusive immersive technology. Transcript: If you’re interested in audio, music, and technology, then you’ve come to the right place. Hi! I’m Francesca, and you’re watching my TechTalk. In the last TechTalk, I talked about XR. In this video, we’ll look at how immersive technology can be…

TechTalk 2: Am I Real?

In this TechTalk, we will talk about the different types of extended realities– what they are and how they came to be. Transcript: If you’re interested in audio, music, and technology, then you’ve come to the right place. Hi! I’m Francesca, and you’re watching my TechTalk. In the last TechTalk, I gave a brief description…

TechTalk 1: Me, Myself, and iOS Development Project Topic

In this vlog, which I will refer to as TechTalk from now on, I introduce my final project topic for my MSc in Audio and Music Technology. Spoiler alert! The topic is Mixed Reality Musical Instruments iOS App for Special Needs Music. Transcript: If you’re interested in audio, music, and technology, then you’ve come to…

MINI VOX: How-To Guide

This guide walks you through how to create the MINI VOX patch and circuit. There are five steps in total. All of the patches and codes used are provided in this guide. To download these, simply click on the links. By the way, if you haven’t read what this is all about and you haven’t…

Let’s reimagine the future of audio together.